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Here we collect your stories. Tell us about yourself, your paths, your challenges, your insights about the PhD program and more. Our writer at TRaCE has also been working hard to transform interviews from PhDs across the country into narratives.

(print, video, audio)

Ici, nous recueillons vos récits. Parlez-nous de vous, de vos cheminements, de vos défis, de vos idées sur les programmes de doctorat et de bien d’autres choses encore. La conceptrice-rédactrice de TRaCE a aussi travaillé assidûment pour transformer les entrevues réalisées avec des docteurEs de tout le pays en textes narratifs.

Soumettez votre propre récit
(en format écrit, vidéo ou audio)!

Narratives | July 21, 2016

Récits | July 21, 2016

David Gaertner, Assistant Professor, First Nations and Indigenous Studies, UBC

David Gaertner, Assistant Professor, First Nations and Indigenous Studies, UBC

I had excellent mentorship from my committee, who were easy to contact and offered feedback on my dissertation on materialist... View Article

I had excellent mentorship from my committee, who were easy to contact and offered feedback on my dissertation on materialist... View Article